I was born in Italy and had the luck to live in sone of its most beautiful cities: 
Rome, Venice, Florence and Milan. 
My official job is civil engineering, beside it I always cultivated my love for all forms of art. 
I studied acting in Milan and participated in several TV commercials and theater show till I found the true art form in photography. 
I live in Switzerland for 14 years with my family and it was in Zurich, that I picked up an old Reflex camera, felt in love with it and started taking my first course. 
Since then I haven't stopped. More courses, workshops, photo trips until the first direct contacts from agencies that have engaged me for advertising and marketing photos. The beauty! 
Photography has allowed me to see it everywhere, frequently in the most unexpected places. I walk the streets always with a camera looking for moments to steal, looking for beauty.
I love Streetphotography, in all its forms: the minimalism in the geometries of a street, the reflections, the lights and shadows, the details but also the stories that the street can tell us.
In cooperation with the private photo school Swiss Photo Club I teach various workshops.  
It would be a pleasure to welcome you at one of my workshops.

I am part of the committee for the PhotoGenēve 2024 qui se tiendra du 26 au 28 avril

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